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“The eyes are the window of the soul” wrote many centuries ago Da Vinci.
Eyes have a special central place of significance when looking at someone’s face. Eyes are regarded as one of the most prominent facial features. They can communicate curiosity, joy, anger, amazement, interest, attention, alert intelligence, happiness and can be a mark of beauty.The attractiveness of one’s eyes is rather complex and multifactorial. There are many components of the eyes that work together to create the overall appearance.

The orbit’s bony structure, the eyelid’s exposure or how much of the eyelid is exposed, the palpebral fissure length, its shape and curve, a slightly tilted up outer eyelid corner, the deep set eyes, thick and long eyelashes and an adequate distance between pupils, all together and in balance create the perfect seductive eyes.

At Da Vinci MedSpa we believe that detail is important and when restoring eyes we follow the Da Vinci’s proportion rules.

(Please contact our office to schedule a consultation).

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